How do I install the product?
The package contains all the needed materials to assemble and install the product, including assembly instructions. These instructions show each step in how to install the product. The assembly instructions are also available online on the Decosol website.
Can I install multiple of the same products next to each other?
Yes, it is possible to install multiple of the same products next to each other. If the product has a pattern, then it could be possible for the pattern not to continue correctly on to the next product.
Can I shorten my window decoration?
Almost every window decoration can be shortened in width and height. You will find the instructions in the included instruction manual.
How do I assemble a roller blind or roller venetian on the frame or in the frame?
When assembling it on the frame, you mount the product on the wall or on the frame. When assembling it in the frame, you mount the product in between the walls or in between the frame.
How do I assemble the chain left or right?
Roller blinds (tilt and turn windows) and roller venetians 2.0 are provided with an universal system. Because of this, the chain can be easily switched sides.